Artists for MODINA residency are selected

The project Movement, Digital Intelligence and Interactive Audience (MODINA) aims to expand the creative possibilities for contemporary dance performances, and augment the experience for the audience, using digital technology – with an emphasis on exploring artificial intelligence (AI) and audience interaction, on-site and online. This aim has two interconnected approaches, targeting dance artists, media artists (creative technologists) and audiences.

In the scope of MODINA 8 artists residencies take place for dance artists and media artists regarding new digital and AI-based approaches in dance – for preparing, performing, distributing and re-purposing dance works (including online) – through collaboration between artists, technologists and our team.

The selected projects for the residencies are:

“Collective Cadence” by Simona Deaconescu and Grigore Burloiu
“For Patricia” by Sarah Fdili Alaoui and John Sullivan
“SFDCANBAC++” by Jorge Guevara and Naoto Hieda
“Temporal Spaces” by Célia Bétourné and Max Levy
“Yugen” by Christine Bonansea Saulut and Chris Ziegler

From the Estonian side STL will host Célia Bétourné ja Max Levy projektiga “Temporal Space” in January to March 2024. It will culminate with an artist talk and a public showing on the second half of 2024. Read about the project HERE.

From the left: Célia Bétourné and Max Levy

The residencies will be organised across 5 performance centers: CNDB (Romania), Kino Siska (Slovenia), STL (Estonia), tanzhaus nrw (Germany), and Trafo (Hungary). These residencies will receive the mentorship from academic partners, from 3 universities: Hochschule DüsseldorfTallinn University and University of Lisbon.

Read more on their website HERE