Moving Cities

1. – 3. August 2024 showing of performances created in the residency

14-27 August 2023 2-week residency in Tartu, including participating at UIT festival (16-19 Aug)

Showing “I pass through the city // the city passes through me”
26. august 2023 at 16:00 Mäe 30, Tartu

Moving Cities is a residency and performance project organised by Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava (STL) and Davvi – Center for the Performing Arts. It is a collaboration project for 4 Estonian artists and 4 Norwegian artists to find choreographic interventions on the topics of public space.

In the context of Tartu and Bodø being both the European Capitals of Culture for the year 2024 the project invites artists to research public space and its community habits using the techniques of choreography and performing arts. Moving Cities brings together professionals in choreography and urbanism to ask questions and look critically at the public space infrastructure in Tartu and Bodø.

The project consists of 3 parts: 2-week research residency in Tartu in August 2023; 3-week research residency with a public presentation in Bodø in June 2024; 3-week residency and rehearsal period with 3 public performances in Tartu in July 2024.


Participating artists in the Moving Cities residency program 2023-2024

Maya Mi Samuelsen (Norway)

Hanna Junti (Estonia)

Karsten Lunde (Norway)

Margaret Tilk (Estonia)

Maria K. Landmark (Norway)

Nele Tiidelepp (Estonia)

Oda Holmvik Bredvold (Norway)

Sigrid Savi (Estonia)