Shelter Ouroboros

Külli Roosna & Kenneth Flak

Concept: Külli Roosna and Kenneth Flak
Choreography: Külli Roosna and Kenneth Flak in collaboration with Rakesh Sukesh
Dancers: Rakesh Sukesh, Külli Roosna and Kenneth Flak
Music: Kenneth Flak in collaboration with Külli Roosna
Light design: Rommi Ruttas
Costume design: Ursula Goldstein
Dramaturgical advice: Eirik Blekesaune
Robotics: Fredrik Olofsson in collaboration with Roosna & Flak
Production: Roosna & Flak, co-produced by Sõltumatu Tantsu Lava.
Supporters: Norwegian Arts Council and Eesti Kultuurkapital
Premiere: 28.03.2024

Duration: 70 min
The performance uses loud music

The performance on the 29th of March will be followed by an artist talk

Ouroboros is the mythological snake eating its own tail, often interpreted as a symbol of  eternal cyclical renewal.

Estonian-Norwegian choreographer duo Roosna & Flak embarks on a poetic journey with Indian dance artist Rakesh Sukesh to explore the terrain of togetherness: separately entangled, decisively confused and efficiently failing. They place their trust in a misunderstanding of life and each other in order to restore the balance and imbalance that keep them moving, allowing the cracks in their knowledge to show the way.

In the performance the dancers create personal and collective sanctuaries that help them shed the skins of worn out selves.

And finally listen to the rain.

With “Shelter Ouroboros” Roosna and Flak continue their practice of creating interactive performance-ecosystems, where the dancers’ movements affect the sound and visual landscapes of the performance.

In the media:

“Iseenda eest põgenejate varjupaigad” – Marie Pullerits, Sirp, 24.05.2024

“Külli Roosna: otsime läbi tantsukunsti seda, mis meid ühendab” – Ave Häkli, ERR kultuuriportaal, 25.03.2024

“STL-is esietendub Roosna & Flaki uuslavastus “Varjupaik Ouroboros”” – ERR kultuuriportaal, 14.03.2024